Wednesday, February 26, 2014

{Blink of an eye}

In life, some people are naturally amazing at math and decide to go to school to become an accountant or a math professor. Others from childhood are great fixing things and likely become a handy man or a mechanic. While, some people from a young age are nurturing and caring and grow up to become a teacher, nurse/doctor, or take part in in making the world a better place. Well, I love Art, any type of art that I can get my hands on! So, it only seems natural for me to have an artistically based job. This is the story of how I became the photographer that I am today!

Once I entered my senior year of high school, I started thinking of ways I could make a living doing what I love. I decided I would go to school for cosmetology, it seemed to be creative, hands on, and I would make people feel and look their best.  After some odd time of being a hair stylist, it didn't seem to fit. I actually felt guilty charging client, after client a $100.00 plus dollars every other month on their hair (not that there is anything wrong with that..I get it first hand trust me, it just didn't seem right to me) I know for about six to eight weeks, I made that client look amazing... but it wasn't something that I could permanently give them. I started thinking a lot about Art again... and this is where my journey of being a photographer begins.

At 22 years old I realized how short life truly is,  I found out that one of my childhood friends had past away from a freak accident. We both were artistic but in different ways; I was all about fine arts and she was completely into theater. When we were in 7th and 8th grade talked about sharing our passion of art with others and when we got older we would live the dream. Well she amazed me, she followed her dream and preformed on stage...a lot! She also was in some commercials and I wouldn't be surprised if she was still here, that she would be on her way to Broadway!

So, this is when I decided it was time to take a leap and have faith... and little to my surprise Courtney Paal Photography has been nothing shy of amazing. I love every second of it and I have completely grateful for this journey and the clients I have! I have learned that pictures are honestly worth a thousand words, that they will last forever, a photograph stops time, and can bring smiles, memories, or can cause you to shed tears. I have also learned that you can truly and I mean truly cherish a photograph FOREVER!  I took the photograph below of my Cousin, Jacob and his son Owen last August... Little did I know this would be the last photograph that I would take of my cousin.

On Monday, June 25th at 6:10am I was told my cousin Jacob had gotten in a car accident the night before and that he did not make it. It was no ones fault, it was just how his cards fell and he was clearly needed somewhere else.  The pictures below are images that speak not a thousand, but speak a million words and one day when Owen (Jacob's little side kick) is ready to see how great of a man his daddy was.. I will have each one of these pictures to share with him.

{Left: The presentation of the flag, Quote: "On behalf of the President of the United States, the United States Marine Corps and a grateful nation, please accept this flag as a symbol of our appreciation for your loved one's honorable and faithful service."} {Right: The 21 Gun Salute} 

I wouldn't usually post things like this, but this is how I have became who I am as a person and as a photographer. I am so honored that I have been given the chance in my life to follow my dreams and also to have a profession in which I can give someone something that they will cherish a lifetime! I want to thank you all for your continued love and support to keep Courtney Paal Photography alive!